Jeweller Insurance

เขียนโดย edwoe | 12:46

You probably know better than anyone that running a jewellery business isn't easy. The markets can be unpredictable, customers may be in short supply and the competition fierce, both from other jewellers and the internet. In such circumstances, you could perhaps be forgiven for not seeing jeweller insurance as something that is of immediate top-priority importance to you.

If so, although it may be understandable, it could also prove to be a major mistake.

The problem is that not only are things such as customers and their spending hard to predict but so also is luck. Although any business tries to reduce the extent to which luck plays a part in its affairs, if you do suffer an instance of sheer bad luck then the financial results for you may be catastrophic unless you have jeweller insurance in place and ready to kick-in to help.

How exactly can bad luck play a part?

Customers and staff

If you have people on your premises, whether employees (including helpers) or customers, then you are at risk. Should any one have an accident or suffer injury, you may find yourself on the receiving end of a legal claim for compensation. In fact, if you do have employees you may be legally obliged to have employers' liability insurance in many cases.

Man and Nature

If your premises are damaged due to fire, flood, illegal intrusion or similar situations, you may find that your stock and equipment is lost or severely damaged and your ability to continue your business is put at risk.


If you are injured in an accident, just how long could your business continue? Could you meet all of the costs arising without receiving some form of financial help?

Business insurance

Having some form of insurance for a jewellers shop to help protect you against such risks may well make sound sense. Business insurance can provide cover in various forms including things such as public liability insurance, personal accident, shop and premises and employers' liability insurance.

The exact package of cover and the cost can typically be varied depending upon the exact nature of your business, its turnover and stock values and your perceptions of the risks involved etc.

Getting more information

Your jewellery business is likely to be precious to you. Having the right forms of jeweller insurance could make the difference between you being able to keep it running or having to close it down. It may be worthwhile finding out more.

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President Obama Speaks about Health Reform in Iowa City

เขียนโดย edwoe | 21:42

President Obama visits the place where he first announced his plan for health care reform back in May of 2007, sharing with a large crowd the immediate effects of health reform for small businesses and families.

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Why Healthcare Reform Will Fail

เขียนโดย edwoe | 18:37

The GOP wants to scare us into thinking that healthcare reform is going to fail because people will have to wait months to see a doctor, fill out hours worth of paperwork, and receive less care in their version of a Socialist-style healthcare system. While they're right about it failing, they're wrong about the how. Mike Papantonio of Air America's Ring of Fire takes on the folks over at Fox Business' Happy Hour to tell them what we should really fear from the new healthcare bill.

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The Mafia, CIA and George Bush (Part 9)

เขียนโดย edwoe | 12:02

Silverado Savings and Loan collapsed in 1988, costing taxpayers $1.3 billion. Neil Bush, son of then Vice President of the United States George HW Bush, was Director of Silverado at the time. Neil Bush was accused of giving himself a loan from Silverado, but he denied all wrongdoing. The US Office of Thrift Supervision investigated Silverado's failure and determined that Neil Bush had engaged in numerous "breaches of his fiduciary duties involving multiple conflicts of interest." Although Bush was not indicted on criminal charges, a civil action was brought against him and the other Silverado directors by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; it was eventually settled out of court, with Bush paying $50000 as part of the settlement, the Washington Post reported. As a director of a failing thrift, Bush voted to approve $100 million in what were ultimately bad loans to two of his business partners. And in voting for the loans, he failed to inform fellow board members at Silverado Savings & Loan that the loan applicants were his business partners. Neil Bush paid a $50000 fine and was banned from banking activities for his role in taking down Silverado, which cost taxpayers $1.3 billion. A Resolution Trust Corporation Suit against Bush and other officers of Silverado was settled in 1991 for $26.5 million. As a result, the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) dramatically changed the savings and loan industry and its federal ...

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Africa and Rwanda: From Crisis to Socioeconomic Development

เขียนโดย edwoe | 22:38

Speaker: His Excellency Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda Perceptions and stereotype of Africa and Rwanda as perpetual basket cases and donor havens only sustained by aid, charity and pity no longer correspond to contemporary development of the past decade. Rwanda, under the leadership of one of Africas most able leaders, President Paul Kagame has undertaken considerable reforms leading to serious domestic and foreign investment. President Kagame has single-handedly redefined the way African leaders should engage the best of the Western and Eastern world. He has appointed some the world's greatest minds in business and strategic investment to his council of economic advisers. President Kagame also put Rwanda on the global map by hosting UN secretary-general Ban-Ki Moon and US President George W. Bush. Some of the recent indicators that prove President Kagames esteem with world leaders include his appointment by Bill Clinton to the board of the Clinton Global Initiative. Tony Blair also recently became the Rwandan Governments advisor for no fees; Bill Gates has personally been working closely with President Kagame in supporting the health sector in Rwanda. Paul Farmer, a Harvard professor and world's leading authority on public health-care in poor countries is advising President Kagame to develop one of the most innovative national health insurance systems in the world. The strategic alliances between Rwanda/Kagame and some of the leading minds in business ...

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Covering Your Business With Beauty Salon Insurance

เขียนโดย edwoe | 21:17

Starting up and owing your own business brings enormous responsibility, especially if you are starting up a beauty salon, as your whole business will be based on treating members of the public. Any business that involves customers coming onto the premises or you going out to treat customers in their own home, poses a risk. When in the beauty business, however careful you may be, accidents can happen, which brings the risk of customers taking you to court to claim for damages. Therefore, you may want to consider taking out beauty salon insurance.

What aspects of my business would be covered?

There are different components to insurance for your beauty salon that you may want to think about. However, you would need to check with the insurance provider and check the small print of your policy to find out what was included in your chosen cover. Generally, an insurance policy would provide cover for the actual building in which your business was housed, if you own it. For instance if there was a fire that stopped you from being able to run your business you could claim on the insurance policy to help with rebuilding costs.

Any furniture and equipment on the premises may be protected in the insurance policy against the possibility of damage or if they were destroyed. The policy could also cover your stock in the event that you lost it, this alone could be your downfall if you did not have insurance to cover the loss and replacements to be able to continue trading.

Liability insurance for the public - ie public liability insurance - may be included, up to so much, in your insurance. This typically protects you against liability claims for injury , loss or death to members of the public who come into your salon for treatment. Even with strict rules and regulations accidents can occur that could leave you open to a liability claim from a member of the public, even someone who is simply on your premises maybe dropping off supplies.

Should you have members of staff working alongside you then you must give some thought to employers' liability cover, as this is usually a legal requirement if you have staff, though there are some exceptions.  This would allow a claim to be made on the policy in the event that a member of staff should suffer injury or worse whilst working in your salon and you were deemed liable for the incident.

If you sell products in your beauty salon, such as facial masks, cleansers or toners then you may want to ensure that the beauty salon insurance policy you were looking at includes product liability insurance. If someone purchased a product and they claimed they had suffered injury as the result of using that product, you would have insurance towards meeting legal costs.

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Warren Buffett's Successor - Bloomberg

เขียนโดย edwoe | 12:07

Warren Buffett and members of his inner circle shed some light on what will happen to Berkshire Hathaway when the billionaire investor steps down. (Venture)

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