Business Liability Insurance Buying Guide

เขียนโดย edwoe | 07:35

Business liability insurance may not be difficult to obtain, but it certainly is the most important protection a company can purchase. With the drastic increase in lawsuits and settlements, a business liability insurance policy can help ensure that an organization's assets are safe and secure. Many companies are obligated by law to carry an appropriate level of liability insurance, but even those that are not mandated to do so should consider taking the appropriate steps to protect their business.

Service companies should ensure that their liability insurance is designed to cover any accidents or damages that can occur virtually anywhere, particularly in a customer's residence. Retail stores and offices must have an adequate amount of business liability insurance in order to protect from the financial consequences that injuries incurred on the property can cause. Slips and falls are perhaps the most common occurrence that leads to lawsuits and it is necessary to be cautious and be appropriately covered to avoid financial disaster.

There are many different options available with companies that offer business insurance and coverage levels should be customized the meet the specific needs of each organization. Deductibles and policy limits vary greatly from insurer to insurer.

If you are uncertain about how to begin shopping or if you do not know which companies offer Business insurance in the US, then begin at an insurance comparison website where you can find a large list of the top Business liability insurance providers by merely entering your zip code. If you would like to receive numerous business liability quotes then all you need to do is fill our one short form. Let the industries best Insurance providers bid on your policy. Pay less money for the same coverage and save time. Compare all types of insurance and save hundreds of dollars per year.

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Inside Look - California Budget Crunch - Bloomberg

เขียนโดย edwoe | 03:05

California Senate Approves Budget - Interview with California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer (Bloomberg News)

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Starting a Business : How to Get Insurance For a Business

เขียนโดย edwoe | 20:35

Getting insurance for a business is a great way to protect the entire company. Insure a business with tips from a successful business owner in this free video on business tips. Expert: Clayton Christopher Contact: Bio: Clayton Christopher is the founder and owner of Sweet Leaf Tea Company, a rapidly growing small business. Filmmaker: Drew Noah

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Tony Walker Financial - Top 10 Questions: #1

เขียนโดย edwoe | 19:00

Retirement Specialist - Tony Walker, from Tony Walker Financial, shares the Top 10 Things you need to know. Learn more about him on: or call 1-877.499.WALK Tony has over 25 years of experience in the financial services business and is a leader in his community. He is an author, a film maker, and currently appears every Monday morning on NBC affiliate WAVE TV in Louisville Kentucky, where he is co-host on a live call in show answering questions from an audience of over 500 thousand households. And just as importantly, Tony has a real pulse on what Americans are thinking since he works personally with so many people, from all walks of life.

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Trigon Commercial 2

เขียนโดย edwoe | 16:45

Trigon Commercial 2

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"Top Chef" assurance ad

เขียนโดย edwoe | 23:09

An aspiring chef's career is suddenly cut short. A hard-hitting television commercial from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario, promoting awareness of the need for workplace safety.

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State Farm® - "Real Help"

เขียนโดย edwoe | 18:20

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CURE Auto Insurance Ad

เขียนโดย edwoe | 20:05

CURE Auto Insurance Ad that crosses the line re: language. Granted it is surprising and a little humorous but it lowers the line of where vulgarity is acceptable. This one aired during halftime of Rutgers vs USF, October 18, 2007. It was NOT the first time it has been aired. The full ad is a series of 3 mini-ads played one after the other. The first two were tame, then this was the last.

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