Self Employed Insurance Coverage

เขียนโดย edwoe | 16:23

Are you someone who is self employed in home construction or some other career where you could have an accident? Self employed liability insurance is needed in order to protect you if an accident should happen in an area that you are working in. You will also need this type of insurance if people come into your place of business and have an accident. There are several possibilities of things that could go wrong when you are doing some work for someone, and if you do not have the insurance coverage that you need you could end up losing everything that you own.

It is sad to think about but there are some people in this world who make their living by suing other people. This means that if you have a business that customers come into for any reason you will need to have liability insurance coverage. If someone is visiting your place of business and slips on your floor then they can sue you for medical expenses and in some cases negligence. If you do not have at least liability coverage you are putting yourself at risk of losing not only the possessions and assets of your business but also losing your personal possessions.

If you are a sole proprietor of your business then this means that you have unlimited liability. Unlimited liability means that not only the assets of your business are at risk but everything that you own is at risk on a daily basis. You will want to make sure that you have an insurance policy that will protect you in case something bad happens.

There are several cases when you will need to make sure you have a good insurance policy. You will be able to find a self employed liability insurance policy that you can afford by doing your research and choosing a reputable company.

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The Truth About Business Insurance

เขียนโดย edwoe | 05:38

Business insurance is important. But, can you trust an insurance company's agent to devise an insurance program that truly protects your small business?

Can you trust your business insurance agent? Your insurance company? Insurance Company A tells you they are on your side. Company B is like your good neighbor. Company C has you in good hands.

Really? Truly?

The truth is that insurance companies are businesses that sell financial protection against risk. What you get is a promise of payment under the terms of the policy at some date in the future, if all the right conditions exist. In the end, you have a contract and nothing else.

Do you know what your insurance contract actually says?
Would you ever sign a contract without reading it first?
Or without understanding what the contract provides to you?

Most business owners have no clue what their insurance policies say. When you purchase or renew insurance, you should do at least these five things:

1. Meet with your business lawyer to determine your risks.
2. Understand what coverages are available.
3. Check the insurer's financial strength
4. Check the claims history of the company.
5. Document and photograph the assets you are covering with insurance.

And... read your policy! Or, better yet, sit down with your business attorney and your agent and review the policy together.

If you make a claim on your own policy, you and your insurance company will be adversaries. I recently fought an insurance company for five months to recover $400,000 of insurance, when my client's losses exceeded $600,000. Some insurance companies are notorious for paying claims slowly or fighting claims routinely. Do not buy insurance from those companies. Most importantly, buy the right type and amount of insurance, and prepare now to fight for coverage later, assuming that you will eventually have to make a claim.

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Insurance For a Cafe Business

เขียนโดย edwoe | 01:49

First of all, it depends on what kind of business you are starting. If you are simply starting your own freelance writing business, you are only going to be working with clients you write for and you don't necessarily need a location. On the other hand, if you are starting a café business, that is an entirely new idea. Some businesses require a lot more preparation, resources, and work than others. A fast food restaurant, or any kind of restaurant, will require more work and preparation.

Now you are ready to start your café business. You will need to plan out what you will be offering, how you will be marketing your goods and services, who you will be targeting as customers, how you will do the bookkeeping, etc. Of course, you will also need insurance. You will need café insurance if you want to ensure that you will not lose money unnecessarily or be thrown out of business. Just as you need insurance for your car, health, house, etc., you will need to insure your business.

One type of insurance you will need is takeaway insurance. A takeaway business is when the customers are taking away the food from the premises and consume it elsewhere. You must be properly insured for this. You will need insurance to cover property, theft, liability, money, etc. You need to be covered in case something goes wrong as someone leaves your restaurant with the food that they bought from your restaurant and plan on eating.

Café insurance is very important. If there is something wrong with your food or something goes wrong and you get sued without insurance, you could easily be put out of business. Hopefully nothing ever happens, but it is impossible to know that nothing will ever go wrong and you must be insured to protect your business and yourself.

When you are searching for insurance, be sure to check many different companies. You want to make sure you are getting the best coverage for the best price. The price of your café insurance or takeaway insurance is much less important than the coverage you get, but you still don't want to spend too much. Don't skimp on your coverage.

Once you have chosen an insurance company and are working with an agent, work with them closely to design the best plan that is right for you. You don't want to miss anything. Make sure your takeaway insurance is properly set up and that there are no holes.

Once you are set with your café insurance, you can work further on your business. Move on to the parts that are more fun like designing your café and building a menu. You can now work with more piece of mind knowing you are properly covered to start your business.

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Home Office Insurance - Prevention and Disaster Planning

เขียนโดย edwoe | 15:19

Many people who operate home-based businesses assume that their homeowners insurance also covers their business. This is certainly a logical assumption if you are operating a business out of your home, but the reality is that homeowners insurance usually only covers up to about $2,500 for business related losses. Some homeowners policies will not cover any business related expenses, so you might want to check your current policy to see if you are protected at all.

If you think that you do not need home office insurance, think again. You need this type of insurance coverage to protect your computers, software systems, office supplies, and client information. Even if you are not worried about the potential loss of a computer, printer, fax machine, or phone, you should seriously think about the data you have stored somewhere in your home (or on your computer) regarding your clients.

If confidential client information were to be compromised, you could be liable if one of those clients were to be harmed in any way because of the actions of the person who stole the information. Lawsuits can be very messy and expensive, so it is best to protect yourself from the beginning so that you do not have this type of worry hanging over your head. Whether the information is in print, stored on your computer, or on a flash drive, you are still responsible for keeping that information secure.

As you consider the items that you need home office insurance coverage for, take a careful inventory of your home office area. Every computer, printer, desk, filing cabinet, fax machine, and copier should be accounted for; but you should also include the smaller items that you use in conducting your business. In addition, don't forget about your office furniture such as your desk, chair, and any tables that you might use for operating your business.

If you have an insurance agent who handles your other policies, you might want to talk to that person about home office coverage. Even if that particular company doesn't offer those types of policies, your agent can probably refer you to a reputable company that does offer that type of protection.

You should keep in mind that even if a particular company is recommended to you, you need to make an effort to obtain at least two or three different quotes for policies. You don't want to limit yourself to only talking to one company about insurance coverage. Sometimes it pays to shop around; just make sure that you do not compromise on coverage in order to obtain a cheaper rate.

If your home-based business provides any services to customers that requires them to come to your home for appointments or consultations, you will need to make sure that liability coverage is included in your policy. This gives you some added protection in case someone happens to trip and fall while on your property to conduct business.

The extent of the coverage that you will be able to buy will depend on the state you live in. If you want more coverage than a company is offering, ask them if your coverage amounts can be increased. In some cases, a rider can be added onto a policy that will offer you some additional type of protection for certain events.

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Innovators@Google: Kaj Ahlmann

เขียนโดย edwoe | 13:08

Kaj Ahlmann visits Google's Mountain View, CA headquarters to talk about using SIx Sigma practices in wine making business. This event took place on September 10, 2009, as part of the Innovators@Google series. At Six Sigma Ranch, Vineyards and Winery, Kaj Ahlmann uses Six Sigma tools and practices to realize his vision of creating consistently great wines. From soil analysis, planting, farming and harvest to sorting, fermentation, storage and promotion, the Six Sigma approach enables Ahlmann to regulate the wine making and marketing processes by monitoring data and refining it every step of the way. Speaker Info: Kaj Ahlmann provides independent services related to reinsurance, insurance and asset management. He currently serves on the boards of Deutsche Bank Global Insurance Asset Management, Cyrus Re , the American Institute for CPCU, RLI Corporation, and Six Sigma Academy. Ahlmann served on the board of Erie Indemnity from 2003 to 2008. From 2001 to 2003, he was Chairman and CEO of Inreon, a global electronic reinsurance venture created by Munich Re, Swiss Re, Internet Capital Group, and Accenture. He was Vice Chairman and Executive Officer of EW Blanch Holdings from 1999 to 2001. From 1993 to 1999, he was Chairman, President and CEO of Employers Reinsurance and served as a director of the parent organization, GE Capital Services. Kaj and his wife purchased a 4300 acre ranch in Lake County, California in 2000 and named it Six Sigma Ranch. They celebrated the release of ...

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James Bond 007 Funny Visa Commercial

เขียนโดย edwoe | 03:19 http ~ ~ roflmao

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Health Reform & Small Businesses (03/31/2010 Webchat)

เขียนโดย edwoe | 02:49

US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Small Business Administrator Karen Mills hosted a webchat to discuss the benefits of the new health reform law. Sebelius and Mills highlighted some of the benefits of health reform for the American people and small businesses before answering pre-submitted questions from the public. The chat is the first in a series of discussions that will explain the impact of the newly passed health reform law. We allow comments according to our comment policy

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Art Williams - Do It - allotment 1 of 2

เขียนโดย edwoe | 18:24

Speech delivered to the National Religious Broadcasters convention in 1987. I was in Primerica (the former ALWilliams company) selling term life insurance and mutual funds for 18 months and I got my guts cut out. I made $500 full-time in that year and a half. But I never quit. And somewhere along the way I had a revelation: my number one job in Primerica is to become just like my coach, Art Williams. If I became just like him, and did what he did, I would have what he had. I knew as a coach what he wanted most was for his people to do exactly what he says, so I wrote him a letter, telling me what I was going through, but what he was teaching me and how I understood the difference between winning and losing, and what my plans were for the future. Now Art, who is a billionaire, never met me, has a great family, great relationships, hundreds of close teammates around the world, and had just had heart surgery and was living on borrowed time, cared enough about a loser like me a thousand miles away in another country to write me a letter. Art Williams cared about me, my dreams, my goals, my hurts, and my passions. He captured my heart, and it changed my whole life. He made me feel like a stud, and he made me feel like I can win. I left Primerica because I got called to the ministry, and after a few years of learning and preparing, I am ready now to step out in faith and persue my biggest dream in life. I still work hard every day to become like my coach, I will never forget ...

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Stop Selling Insurance!

เขียนโดย edwoe | 04:04

Whenever I conduct a workshop or give a talk to a group of agents, I ask how many of them are in the business of selling insurance. Inevitably about 25% raise their hands. My response to them is, "If you're in the business of selling insurance you'll have a hard time succeeding because NO ONE WANTS TO BUY INSURANCE!"

No one wants to buy insurance. Not homeowner's, auto, life, health or disability... They only want what the insurance provides. They only want the benefit. Believe me, if people could get the benefits they wanted in some other way, they would. So,... if you "sell insurance" success will be tough. On the other hand, if you're in the business of helping people it's a different story. Now, you might protest that the distinction is simply a matter of semantics, but there are fundamental differences between having a sales focus and having a helping focus.

This difference affects pretty much everything a person does along with how they do it. If they have a sales focus, their focus is on making the sale! Everything from the initial contact to the presentation to the close to the follow-up is done from a sales perspective. Marketing, contacting, presentation, and follow-up are from a product and/or company perspective. On the other hand, a person who is focused on helping rather than selling will understand that the service they provide (helping) is what matters and the insurance they offer is simply the means to achieve the solution they create.

Let me illustrate what I mean. Here's how a sales-focused person contacts: "Mr. Jones, my name is Bob Smith and I am with the ABC Insurance Company. We have a full line of products to meet your needs. I'd like to set up a time to show you our products and explain how they can solve your problems." The focus of the entire exchange is on selling their insurance products. In contrast, a person focused on helping, contacts this way: "Ms. Jones, my name is Sue Smith and I help people protect their assets/reduce employee turnover/leverage their financial security. Is that something of interest to you?" They understand that they are a professional offering help, rather than a salesperson selling products.

There are many other distinctions related to taking a professional, helping approach over a selling approach, and they have significant implications. Professionals help rather than sell. They have clients instead of customers/policyholders. They build relationships instead of conducting transactions. They offer solutions instead of sales. They attract clients instead of pursuing customers. People buy from them instead in being sold. They find cooperative opportunities instead of competitive obstacles. Think of the implications from these distinctions. We've always heard that people do business with people they like, and people like people who help. You've heard the term "trusted advisor"? This is what we're talking about. It occurs when you shift from selling to helping. Imagine having clients who are eager to refer others to you.

When you adopt the attitude of a professional and take the focus off the products, guess who the focus falls on? You! You become the service that clients buy. You become valuable. You become a resource. You become an expert. Clients don't look to insurance policies for answers, they look to you! One of the greatest challenges in arriving at this mindset is becoming clear as to what makes you unique so you can communicate it effectively to your prospects and clients. I often work with my clients on clarifying their purpose and identifying their unique strengths so that their marketing and leadership is effective.

An interesting challenge we face is that we tend to downplay our strengths, especially if they come easily to us. We tend to take them for granted and we tend to assume that everyone has the same (or better) abilities. A very revealing exercise I often ask clients to do is to ask five people they know for five traits that make them excellent at what they do. (My suggestion is to ask people who aren't family. Ask clients, friends, and associates.) You may be surprised at the results. I find that the responses fall into three categories. 1) You'll hear things about you that you and everyone else already knew and will thereby get confirmation, 2) You'll hear things that you already knew but didn't think anyone else noticed, giving you new insights as to what people notice and value, and 3) You'll hear things that you never knew about yourself; things that never occurred to you to be a trait that others would value.

These traits and insights are the things that set you apart from all the others out there. These are the things that cause people to do business with you. These unique traits will help you be more effective as you contact new prospects, present your ideas, and generate referrals.

I find that when people aren't clear about what sets them apart and aren't clear about their purpose (Inotherwords, why they do what they do) they end up leading with their products and their company. They rely on the strength and credibility of others instead of leading with themselves. The goal of every professional should be to become credible in their own right. That doesn't necessarily becoming the foremost expert in their field, but it does mean becoming excellent at what they do as a professional - helping others. It means finding new ways to help. It may even mean helping in ways other than with insurance. You can become a resource for information or a networking source of contacts within your community. You can offer advice in other areas of business or life (other professionals are more than happy to provide you with article and insights you can pass on).

The whole point of this is to stop selling insurance and start helping people. It's been said that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care, and it's true. The interesting consequence is that when you take your focus off of selling and place it on helping, you'll attract more clients, generate more referrals, and sell more insurance. Life is good...

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Ron Feingold Corporate Demo

เขียนโดย edwoe | 12:19

Since 1990, Ron has performed for companies across the country and made the experience unique, entertaining and best of all - a corporate culture that is appropriate for all audiences! Once a show is booked, Ron in action and sent a questionnaire to companies, said Ron can write material for each show. Ron is a strong corporate show, the experience of musical material tailored to the company and visitors of the event. The exhibition is divided intothree parts: a material Chapel Comedy personalized with public participation Stand-Up Comedy! First, Ron brings his up-tempo songs and contemporary and classic tastes of each show, a foot tapping musical experience. Songs like "Oh What a Night," "Brick House", "Celebration", a unique mix of Jim Croce songs, a potpourri of impressions of Nat King Cole to see (and Natalie!), Neil Diamond, Bill Cosby and a special appearance by Kermit the Frog and Joe Cocker! There are alsofunny songs and parodies such as "The Home Depot song" A Day In The Life, "" Scream! "And" Kosher Ham. "Second, each company studied Ron and gather as much information as possible to write special material for each show. Then use this material together, with the participation of the public to surprise the audience with corporate information sought and comedy in an unforgettable way! Finally, Ron stand-up comedy show involving all over the material...

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Business Insurance Policies

เขียนโดย edwoe | 18:55

There is no denying the fact that success of a business depends on the hard work of the team but one disaster can wipe out your efforts and bring down the profits to dust. So, to avoid such an instance, you need to insure your business, whether it is a small enterprise or a large corporation.

There are insurance companies, which have policies that combine protection for all major property and liability risks in one package. You can also opt for separate coverage. Such a policy is called a business owners' policy (BOP). Larger companies may purchase a commercial package policy.

BOPs include property insurance for buildings and equipments owned by the company. If there is any loss of income due to disruption of operation and business because of accidents like fire, it can be covered under the Business Interruption Insurance.

There are liabilities, which cover the company's legal responsibility for the harm it may cause to others. It is the result of your company's failure to do the business operations. It can also be the bodily injury or property damage caused due to defective products, faulty installations and errors in services provided.

However, BOPs don't cover professional liability, auto insurance, worker's compensation or health and disability insurance. Separate policies are needed for professional services, vehicles and employees. Generally, floods, earthquakes and terrorist attacks are not covered in the business insurance.

Protection Against Flood Damage

If your office is in the flood zone area, you must definitely go for a policy, which provide coverage against flood. Try to find out whether the place had been hit by flood in the past. Make sure you do something in advance to make up for the loss. Otherwise you may face trouble.

Protection Against Earthquake Damage

Earthquake is also not included in most property insurance policies such as homeowners and business owners' package policies. Special Earthquake Insurance Policy or Commercial Property Earthquake Endorsement can cover you if you live in an earthquake-prone area. However, earthquake policies have different deductibles.

Business Interruption Insurance, which reimburses you for the lost income during a shutdown, applies only to the damage covered under your business property insurance policy. There won't be reimbursement for the loss caused due to the closure of business because of the earthquake. For it, you must have an earthquake coverage policy.

Protection Against Terrorist Attack Losses

In the US, loss due to any terrorism is covered only for those businesses that have optional terrorism coverage. It comes under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act 2002. Still, there are exceptions in workers' compensation, which include injuries and deaths due to acts of terrorism.

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Primerica - Aloha Hawaii, Viva Las Vegas!

เขียนโดย edwoe | 17:19

Citigroup subsidiary, Primerica, is offering 400 trips to Maui and another 1100 to Caesar's Palace in Vegas to their top earners. As seen on Fox News' Your World Cavuto with Neil Cavuto. primerica primerica scam primerica secrets primerica business opportunity primerica leads primerica 418primerica scam 253primerica division of citigroup 221citigroup primerica 159primerica online 150primerica job scams 147complaints about primerica 113truth about primerica 95primerica complaints 89primerica life insurance company 83primerica survivors 70primerica financial services 65primerica discussion boards 47legal action against primerica financial services 47wrong with primerica 46primerica fraud 33primerica career opportunities 27primerica life insurance 24complaints against primerica 18primerica go solo 15primerica employees 13is primerica a scam 13primerica recruiting 11primerica life 10primerica canada 9primerica financial service smart loan 7primerica financial services prospecting tips 7primerica insurance 6jobs at primerica 6primerica custom advantage 6primerica financial 5primerica life insurance payout 5rene turner primerica ga 5what is primerica 5working for primerica 4building a primerica financial services business 4citi to sell primerica 4citigroup sells primerica 4citigroup sold primerica 4michael pyatt primerica burbank 4primerica financial services prospecting tips' 4primerica lawsuits 4primerica legal protection program 4primerica shareholder services 4primerica ...

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Business Insurance For Startups

เขียนโดย edwoe | 23:30


Your business is ready to launch, so what insurance do you buy? Money is tight and it is your hide on the line. This article focuses on the insurance choices faced by entrepreneurs working to get a new business running. Three main categories to consider: 1. Required Insurance, 2. Critical Risks, 3. Economic Risks.

Required Insurance

For a new business entrepreneur, a core issue is the insurance required to open the business. These requirements can come from multiple sources.

Landlord - Often a Landlord requirement for a leased location is an early insurance barrier. A typical office, store or other commercial space lease has several clauses that trigger insurance requirements to protect your lessor. Your landlord will want your business to protect him from lawsuits stemming from your operations with Public Liability coverage. Another frequent landlord requirement is to have property coverage for any tenant building improvements. An Indemnity or Hold Harmless Clause will force your insurance company to waive any claim payment collection from your landlord even if they contributed to a loss. Your landlord will also want to be named as an Additional Insured to have access to your insurance policy and to be notified if the policy is cancelled. Before you sign your commercial lease, have your insurance agent read it and prepare a quote to consider.

Bank Loan - A bank loan is also a source of initial insurance requirements. If you borrow with your business assets as collateral, your bank will want it protected. Your banker will want adequate insurance to cover their risk and to be named as a Loss Payee. This forces the insurance company to settle any claim with approval from your banker and also to provide notice if the insurance is cancelled.

Jobsites - Construction trades often have specific jobsite requirements. If you are an artisan subcontractor, these requirements are set by the General Contractor or Jobsite owner. Most construction jobs will require General Liability Insurance. Other requirements can include Business Auto Insurance and Worker's Compensation. The bigger the job, normally, the more intense are the insurance requirements. Before to start to work, get a copy of the insurance requirements and have your insurance agent quote what is needed. Be very wary of any job or General Contractor that is not upfront with these requirements. They will hold your paycheck until the insurance requirements are met.

Government - Legal requirements come up most often with business vehicles. In Texas, there is a minimum auto liability requirement. For larger vehicles, special types of vehicles or passenger carrying vehicles, much higher legal requirements are imposed and special state filing requirements must be met. In Texas, Worker's Compensation is voluntary but most other states impose this as a legal requirement for business owners. State licenses for some trades will impose liability insurance coverage and reporting requirements.

Critical Risks

Once the required insurance is handled, the next focus should be on the risks that are so critical that, without insurance protection, they can destroy the business. Protection for some of these risks may be already in hand with the insurance protection that was required. However, you should still review your overall situation and identify risks that you can't afford to take and can be offset with an insurance contract.

Perhaps you need higher liability limits than are required for your business to be a safe investment. Maybe an asset is so expensive that replacing it would bankrupt the business. Even though it is not required in Texas, Worker's Compensation can be critical protection from the huge risk of an employee being hurt at work. Lawsuits can come from many potential directions. From which risks does your business need liability protection? A legal review from your business lawyer can help identify points of lawsuit venerability.

Even if you cannot fund this added protection at business opening, you should strive to purchase insurance for these critical risks as soon as possible. Until you are able to offset your business-ending risks with insurance protection, your new business will not be a safe investment.

Economic Risks

The third priority is risks that you want to insure because the protection is a good value. Why take a substantial risk, even if you can survive the loss, when you can offset the risk with affordable insurance? Often, the economic risk worth insuring is a business asset like equipment, inventory or vehicles. Consider the trade-off over a reasonable length of time. Ask yourself: is it better to pay an insurance premium and be protected or is it better to save the insurance cost and self-insure for a potential loss? A high property deductible can be a good strategy by taking the smaller risks yourself and shifting only the large asset risks to an insurance company.

Your cash flow may not be sufficient to buy protection for economic risks early but have your list ready to gradually add this productive coverage as you are able. Your long-term profitability will be improved by prudent use of insurance protection for your important assets.


Insurance should be part of your business plan. Your focus will first be on the insurance requirements that are barriers in the way of starting your business. Beyond these minimum requirements, fund insurance protection for your risks that have the potential to destroy your business. Finally, as revenues become available, enhance your long-term financial outcome by adding protection for your larger assets that can be economically insured. Good luck on your new business venture.

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Credit Default Swaps are "Demonstrably Dangerous"

เขียนโดย edwoe | 13:06

I love the "push somebody in front of a bus" analogy. March 10 (Bloomberg) -- Richard Portes, a professor of economics at London Business School, talks about the market for credit default swaps. Portes, who is also founder of the Centre for Economic Policy Research, speaks with Bloomberg's Rishaad Salamat in London. Copyright Bloomberg 2010 credit default swaps cds regulate regulation angela merkle george soros derivatives bonds dangerous eu imf emf insurance aig goldman sachs naked short selling Germany Greece Iceland

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Hurricane Katrina 11 months after in Chalmette, Louisiana

เขียนโดย edwoe | 06:49

Photos taken 11 July 2006 after 11 months of hand wringing by politicians, insurance companies and contractors. These are pictures of the Town of Chalmette, Louisiana which was flooded out completely and chemicals from a nearby plant contaminated the soil, just to piss the people off even more. These are good people and we hope you come home soon to re-build but if you don't we still understand. Make certain that you know this was 2 years (2006) ago and the population has doubled or tripled and the construction continues. This place, Chalmette, made the Three Mile Island disaster look like a vacation home for retired people! It should be a tourist destination for you since we have had a very happy Mardi Gras, a few Jazz Fests and all the crawfish you need to fill your belly with. The 5 Southern Parishes are back and open for business. Yeah, Buddy! Film some movies down here and get the tax breaks.

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California Health Insurance For Self-Employed

เขียนโดย edwoe | 23:55

A health insurance policy protects an individual in case of unexpected health problems. Most states make it mandatory for the citizens to have some form of health insurance cover. The insurance market in California has a myriad of health insurance companies providing health insurance plans to individuals belonging to all age groups. However, some insurance companies are quite apprehensive while extending health insurance coverage to self-employed individuals.

Many self-employed individuals often seek health insurance under their spouse?s company insurance plan. If the spouse of a self-employed individual is working for a company offering a group health insurance plan, the individual is automatically covered in the plan.

COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) is a very useful option for the initial period of self-employment. When an individual leaves a job, the employer is compelled by law to offer the individual the choice of retaining their membership in the health insurance plan. However, the individual has to pay the entire premium amount.

Several organizations of self-employed people come together to unite their buying power to obtain inexpensive health insurance by means of a group policy.

This is a viable option for small business owners and self-employed individuals.

Some health insurance companies offer group policies at reasonable prices. This form of policy has many advantages. Apart from being inexpensive, they cover every individual in the group irrespective of their state of health. This option is extremely beneficial for individuals who have been ineligible for individual health plans owing to their health conditions. Many business owners, who are likely to expand their businesses in the near future, usually opt for short-term health insurance policies.

It is advisable to conduct a good research to get the best health insurance plan. However, it is important that the insurance company has a good standing in the insurance market. Individuals can obtain free quotes of various health insurance providers to compare the prices and different types of coverage offered. Individuals who do not have adequate knowledge about health insurance policies can consult a health insurance broker for guidance.

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Universal Health Care Scam, Congressman's aid admits US Health System is "good" (Part 1 of 6.)

เขียนโดย edwoe | 00:10

Hey, I called my congressman, Tom Perriello's office this afternoon, with my concerns about Universal Health care. Here's the scoop: I found what his aid said astonishing... **************************************** ***** Fortunately I recorded the conversation. **************************************** ***** The aid admitted our health care system is healthy. When I sited 72% approval ratings for our current insurance system and Obama's vows in 2007 to destroy the insurance system, and Nancy Pelosi's attacks on our insurers, the aid called our health care system "good". Obama vowed to take on insurance and bring universal health care that will cost tens or hundreds of trillions for taxpayers. Here's the John Stossel video that I mention on the failure of universal health care in England and Canada: From Canadian lotteries for health care to do-it-yourself dentistry in England this video is an eye opener. People die from cancer 18% more often in Canada. Here's a video with more soundbites from Obama, Congress and other lawmakers licking their chops at universal health care even though it's failed in Canada and England: Perriello voted for Cap and Trade, the Omnibus Spending bill and the vast majority of Obama initiatives. He also evaded questions several times on Perriello's false claim that his opponent supported a massive tax increase and threatened to hang up every time I brought it up, and then did hand up when I refused to drop the ...

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