Universal Health Care Scam, Congressman's aid admits US Health System is "good" (Part 1 of 6.)

เขียนโดย edwoe | 00:10

Hey, I called my congressman, Tom Perriello's office this afternoon, with my concerns about Universal Health care. Here's the scoop: I found what his aid said astonishing... **************************************** ***** Fortunately I recorded the conversation. **************************************** ***** The aid admitted our health care system is healthy. When I sited 72% approval ratings for our current insurance system and Obama's vows in 2007 to destroy the insurance system, and Nancy Pelosi's attacks on our insurers, the aid called our health care system "good". Obama vowed to take on insurance and bring universal health care that will cost tens or hundreds of trillions for taxpayers. Here's the John Stossel video that I mention on the failure of universal health care in England and Canada: www.youtube.com From Canadian lotteries for health care to do-it-yourself dentistry in England this video is an eye opener. People die from cancer 18% more often in Canada. Here's a video with more soundbites from Obama, Congress and other lawmakers licking their chops at universal health care even though it's failed in Canada and England: www.youtube.com Perriello voted for Cap and Trade, the Omnibus Spending bill and the vast majority of Obama initiatives. He also evaded questions several times on Perriello's false claim that his opponent supported a massive tax increase and threatened to hang up every time I brought it up, and then did hand up when I refused to drop the ...


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